New “Company Follow” search to tailor campaigns that truly resonate with your audience

2 mins

We’re thrilled to introduce a brand-new search at Expandi.

Now, you can effortlessly import followers from your company’s LinkedIn page directly into Expandi, enabling you to tailor campaigns that truly resonate with your audience. 

Understand who’s watching your company and craft messages directly appealing to your followers. 

  • As a LinkedIn company owner, you can capture all leads from your company page, whether they are 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree connections. 
  • If you’re not the owner, don’t worry! You can still access followers connected to you (1st-degree connections). 

You also have the option to set auto-reload, which reloads the search after the set time delay passes, and auto-assigns, which adds the newly scraped leads to pre-selected campaigns, streamlining your processes.

Why it can be beneficial to Sales teams

  • To identify leads already interested in the company or its offerings, thus making them warmer and more qualified. 
  • Gain insights into the kind of audience your competitors cater to, allowing for the creation of targeted campaigns to attract these potential customers.
  • You can craft personalized pitches based on the individual’s interactions or interests on LinkedIn.
  • Pinpoint key decision-makers or influencers within organizations that follow your company, facilitating direct outreach to the most pertinent individuals.
  • With a list of company followers you can export from Expandi, you can segment leads based on job titles, industries, or regions, allowing for more targeted sales campaigns.


Why it can be beneficial to Recruiters

  • By following the company, you can identify potential candidates who might not be actively looking but have shown interest. These passive candidates often prove to be valuable assets. 
  • By scraping competitors’ followers, you can get insights into professionals interested in similar industries or roles, allowing you to tap into a talent pool already aligned with your sector. 
  • Knowing who follows the company can help you tailor job ads to appeal directly to the followers, ensuring relevancy and increased application rates. 
  • Even if there’s no immediate hiring need, scraping followers allows you to build a talent pipeline, ensuring a reservoir of potential candidates for future roles.
  • You can gauge the effectiveness of your employer branding strategies by analyzing the growth and demographics of your company followers. Seeing an uptick in followers after a branding campaign is a sign of positive engagement.

To filter out a scraped list of potential leads or candidates, export it from Expandi and clean it up, and then you can upload it as CSV. 

Expandi can help you create targeted and effective campaigns to engage your company’s followers, boost sales, and improve recruitment!

👉Learn how to set up 


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