How UltB Automated Outreach And Got 5+ Weekly Appointments

Lead Generation
How UltB Automated Outreach And Got 5+ Weekly Appointments

Explore how Expandi helped book more appointments with a hyper-personalized approach automatically


UltB – Ultimate B2B Growth Partners that help build predictable and automated outbound sales systems for agencies, software companies, startups, and IT companies. They aimed to scale their business by adding new lead generation channels. With Expandi, they can book 5+ appointments every week consistently.


Improve scalability and workflow by adding a new lead-generation channel

The UltB team used to work with email as a primary outbound channel. Ratko, Head of Growth at UltB, shared the insight that sometimes the team sends up to 1 million emails monthly. This is a very large operation when it comes to scalability and technical setup. The team has seen that results and workflow can be improved. For instance, booking more appointments can be enhanced if the contact is interested in services. For that reason, Ratko and his team decided to use Expandi, a LinkedIn automation tool that prioritizes safety and security, which allows them to book more appointments with a hyper-personalized approach.


The multi-channel approach by combining Email and LinkedIn outreach

Expandi has been a game-changer for the UltB team. The team managed to book 5+ appointments every week consistently. Ratko received feedback that the multi-channel approach was the main reason for positive replies.

Head of Growth at UltB

I believe the future of outreach is in using multiple touchpoints, like emails, cold calling, LinkedIn, to actually bring this whole picture together,

How they achieved such amazing results with Expandi:

Ratko sent email outreach campaigns and then set up LinkedIn follow-up campaigns with Expandi for the people who expressed their interest in the services. 

He ran 3-4 campaigns at the same time to boost his personal brand and get more appointments. 

For this purpose, he used a combination of Expandi’s Connector campaigns and Mobile Connector campaigns that allowed them to bypass LinkedIn connection limits and go beyond 100 connections per week. 

The Mobile Connector Campaign was designed to significantly increase their daily volume of LinkedIn connection requests.

They also used image personalization (Expandi and Hyperise integration) that allowed them to grab more recipients’ attention.

Particularly, Ratko uses the signal when contacts are interested, but you can use any other type of signal, e.g., when people open the email or when you send the email reply.

Message templates that resulted in amazing response and reply rates:

Ratko uses a follow-up message after sending a connection request: 

{first_name}, thanks for connecting, I saw you were interested in a proper outbound sales engine. Building one can feel like such a big task that also costs a lot/ We can help you stop throwing money away. Are you up for a 7-minute chat? {hyperise image}

1 day after Ratko sends a follow-up: 

Any thoughts, {first_name}?

P.S. Just recorded a quick video on how that could work out for you: {loom_video}

3 days after

{first_name}, have you wondered if {company_name} can get more leads?

For a litmus test, you can get 100 free leads using our tool (closed beta): {the link}

4 days after: Hyperise image


And there are 2 more sequences:  

  1. Connector campaign with the list of people who are interested in UltB services, from Close CRM so they are automatically enrolled in a sequence. (907 were interested by the end of the month, and 719 of them—79.27%—got sent requests. Half of them, 52.85%, accepted Ratko’s request, and out of these, Ratko has a great reply rate, which is 18.92%.)
  2. People with whom Ratko had a meeting, so Ratko can give a quick heads-up and people can take a look at the video. They can take a look at the UltB methodology and stay in touch.

Results: 5 booked appointments each week! Amazing acceptance and reply rate.

Head of Growth at UltB

Try Expandi, I promise you won’t regret it. I believe this is the best tool for LinkedIn automation on the market

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