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Cold Email VS LinkedIn Message: What To Choose?

Wondering what is the best channel for outbound sales? You don’t need to be an outreach expert to know that cold email and LinkedIn messages are probably one of the best ways to reach your prospects. Especially if you work in B2B. However, if you’re wondering whether you should use email vs LinkedIn messaging – […]

What is Lead Generation? Why is Lead Generation Important?

Did you know that in 2021, U.S.-based marketers alone spent $4.6 billion dollars on advertising campaigns for lead generation? And that this figure is up from $3.1 billion in 2018? Before writing this article, we didn’t.  Lead generation is the revenue-building process that keeps most (if not all) businesses afloat.  And, because it’s very important, […]

Demand Generation vs. Lead Generation — What’s The Best Choice For You?

Did you know that 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation, and 62% say it generates great leads? Indeed, LinkedIn is a great tool for both lead generation and demand generation. Those phrases — “demand generation” and “lead generation” — are often used interchangeably.  But they aren’t the same.  So in this article, […]

Inbound Lead Generation — What Is It and How To Do It? [Ultimate Guide]

Right now, there’s a group of people in desperate need of a product like yours. Maybe your product will solve their biggest productivity challenge. Maybe it will make them faster, stronger, and smarter. Or maybe it will help them save time and money. And, just like your leads need you, you need them. More prospects […]

Lead Generation — How To Get High-Quality Leads With Expandi [Detailed Instructions]

Here’s a riddle for you: what’s something that was popular fifty years ago, is still popular today, and will be popular fifty years into the future?  I’d argue the answer is “lead generation”.  Without lead generation, there are no sales. Almost every company across every industry relies on lead generation for revenue. And if there’s […]

Lead Generation Processes, SOPs, and Frameworks From The World’s Best Companies

Designing an effective lead generation process is a must-have step in any successful sales strategy.  If you want to close deals and convert leads, there are a few things you have to take care of first, including: And yet, creating a lead generation process from scratch is challenging. Fortunately, you can always turn to the […]

How To Measure Lead Generation — KPIs, ROI, and Metrics To Follow

Research by Sales Insights Lab on 400 salespeople shows that only 23.4% of sales reps exceeded their quota last year. Additionally, 54% of sales reps think it’s harder to attract new prospects than it was five years ago. What do these statistics tell us?  It’s now more important than it’s ever been to measure your […]