5+ LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies to Get 500+ Leads – Expandi

So, you know all about the wonderful benefits of LinkedIn lead generation and automation. And you’re ready to start generating high-quality, B2B leads that actually sign up for your demos and don’t ghost your replies. Then you’ve come to the right place.
Over at Expandi, we’re kind of the go-to authority figure on when it comes to LinkedIn automation and lead generation strategies. Why’s that? Because we actually know what we’re talking about.
All the growth-hacks and strategies we’ve covered in our blog, I’ve personally tried them. I’ve done the outreach, saw the results, tweaked the cold messages to perfections, spoke with our leads (who then became our clients), and then did a deep dive in the analytics. And then – I published my findings. Now, we’ve covered A LOT of strategies on our blog.
And if you’re not sure where to start, we’re going to briefly summarize each of them here, showing their results and why they worked. Here’s what we’re going to cover:
- LinkedIn Lead Generation Tools You Need to Know
- Generating Leads on Linkedin by Scraping Facebook Groups
- LinkedIn Content Retargeting Strategy for Lead Generation
- LinkedIn Personalization Lead Generation Strategy That Goes Beyond First and Last Name
- LinkedIn Outreach Message Strategy That Gets You Light Years Ahead of Your Competition
- Increase Brand Awareness PDF Lead Magnet Strategy
- Ultimate Omni Channel With Hyper Personalization Strategy
- Steal Your Competitor’s Audience: LinkedIn + Twitter Strategy
- Other LinkedIn Lead Generation Tips
Ready? First, here’s some context on LinkedIn lead generation and growth-hacking.
Oh wait, we’re constantly sharing the latest marketing strategies and showcasing successful outreach templates in our private Facebook group called The LinkedIn Outreach Family, be sure to join and say ‘hi’!
Let’s continue,
LinkedIn Lead Generation Tools You Need to Know
Your LinkedIn lead generation results will depend heavily on the strategies and tools you use. So, before I start talking about the details of how to set up and run top-performing LinkedIn automation campaigns, here’s what you need to know about the tools we’ll use.
Yes, the site you’re on. Expandi is the safest LinkedIn automation tool on the market (we can back this up), it’s super convenient, and extremely easy to set up.
With Expandi you can start generating leads while you sleep (or work on other tasks) as your LinkedIn campaign runs in the background. It’s a reliable software that comes with the following features to guarantee safety:
- Cloud-based – Expandi lives in the cloud. You won’t have to turn off your computer and it runs 24/7 (or during specific times, depending on your settings).
- Your country-based, dedicated IP – Our algorithm mimics human behavior. So your login info will be from the same country each time and LinkedIn won’t flag your account.
- Delay between actions – You won’t be sending out 100+ messages in 5 minutes (huge red flag that screams automation). There’s a randomized delay between actions to replicate human behavior.
And unlike other popular tools on the market, Expandi also comes with a bunch of advanced features that really take your LinkedIn social selling to the next level. We’re going to be using Expandi for all of our LinkedIn lead generation strategies that we cover below, so, if you want to follow along, here’s what you can do:
- Add me on Facebook.
- Let me know you’d like to try out Expandi, and I’ll grant you free 7-day trial access.
Yes, it’s that simple. With that out of the way, other tools we’re going to use in these lead generation strategies include:
- Phantombuster – Code-free automation and data extraction tool. We’ll be using it to generate lists of prospects and their contact info.
- Zapier – To connect your apps and workflows together. For example, to connect Expandi to your email outreach campaign tool for a true omnichannel campaign.
- Lemlist – Our favorite email tool that allows you to send cold emails that get replies.
- Lempod – To increase your LinkedIn post views and engagement and gain a list of relevant people from your niche commenting on your content.
- BuiltWith – To look up sites using certain technologies. For example, we’ll be using it to find a list of sites using Albacross and then reach out to that target audience.
- FindThatLead – We’ll be using this to upload our list of site domains and find their email info.
- Hunter.io – To scrape emails associated with specific website domains.
And that’s about it. Now, if you’re looking for plug-and-play LinkedIn lead generation strategies you can copy by the end of today – down to the exact templates… Here are a few of our favorites.
Generating Leads on Linkedin by Scraping Facebook Groups
This lead generation strategy is one of my favorites. It’s one of the first topics we’ve covered on our blogs too. So, it holds a special place in my heart. And fortunately, it’s also extremely simple, replicable, and most of all – effective. Here’s the strategy:
- Define your target audience down to the communities they hang out in and what software they use.
- Find them in a fairly large Facebook group within your niche.
- Use the Phantombuster Facebook group extractor to scrape the full list of members in that group (their names, Facebook profile, etc.).
- Use the Phantombuster LinkedIn profile URL finder to find their LinkedIn profiles.
- Use Expandi to automate your outreach and connect with them.
In my case, I scraped the Dux-Soup Facebook group (competitors’ Facebook group, around 3,600 members) and reached out to them on LinkedIn. The results:
- 72% Acceptance rate.
- 49% replied to follow-ups.
- 42(!) booked demos.
Why it works:
- Super specific target audience.
- Shared something in common (members of the same Facebook group).
- Not trying to sell anything (I mentioned a similar LinkedIn tool they might be interested to hear about).
As a bonus point, I know the target audience really well for this outreach campaign. So, I made sure to mention their pain points in the outreach cold messages. Then, all I had to do was automate the follow-ups and watch the leads start booking demos. This is extremely easy use to replicate and a great starting point if you’re looking for simple LinkedIn lead generation strategies. Check out the full growth-hack case study with the detailed step-by-step and the exact templates used here.
LinkedIn Content Retargeting Strategy for Lead Generation
Here’s another simple lead generation hack. All you need is a popular post from an influencer in your niche. Then, you scrape all the comments/likes on it and reach out to them. It’s really simple.
- Find a post with a significant engagement rate (in this case it was a viral post with 501 likes and 678 comments).
- Copy link to post from LinkedIn.
- Log in Expandi, create a new search, select ‘Post engagement’ and paste in the copied link.
- Optional: Create similar content your target audience will enjoy.
- Create a connector campaign and reach out to your list of leads from Expandi (feel free to copy our proven templates) and mention that you also like the influencer’s content in your request message.
The results:
- 72% acceptance rate.
- 40% responded to the follow-ups.
Why it works:
- Mutual interests.
- By bringing up the post they liked, you’re not being intrusive and have something in common to talk about – without being too random or spammy.
- By letting them know you create similar content – they have a reason to connect with you.
See the full content retargeting lead generation strategy and the exact templates we used here.
LinkedIn Personalization Lead Generation Strategy That Goes Beyond First and Last Name
Have you realized how most LinkedIn growth-hacks stop personalization at using your leads’ first and last names? Here’s an outreach strategy that goes beyond that and uses dynamic personalization. With it, your outreach messages come out different each time – depending on who the campaign is addressed to.
As an example, I wanted to target authors who had written about LinkedIn automation tool alternatives, reach out to them and let them know about Expandi. Here’s what I did.
- Wrote down my leads’ names, their website name, and a solution they had mentioned in the article.
- Used dynamic personalization tags in my outreach templates.
- Mentioned specific information from their articles for some highly-personalized outreach.
The results:
- 69% Acceptance rate.
- 83% Responded to the follow-ups.
Why it works:
- Targeting a very specific group of people.
- It mentions something unique within each message – so that the people receiving them don’t think it’s automated.
See the full case study article here.
LinkedIn Outreach Message Strategy That Gets You Light Years Ahead of Your Competition
With this lead generation strategy, we’ll be using BuiltWith to scrape a list of websites using Albacross as their IP tracker and reach out to them on LinkedIn. Here’s how:
- Search for Albacross on BuiltWith, confirm the technology match, and select the United States (or your target market country). Export list as a spreadsheet file.
- Use FindThatLead to upload those domain names and turn them into verified emails.
- Use Phantombuster LinkedIn profile URL finder to convert those names into LinkedIn profiles.
- Create a unique LinkedIn outreach template for the campaign. In this case, I made sure to mention Albacross in my connection request – which really boosted my acceptance rate.
The results:
- 73.6% Acceptance rate.
- Almost 50% responded to the follow-ups.
Why it works:
- Highly personalized outreach.
- Targeting high-quality prospects and bringing up you have something in common with them.
Read the detailed step-by-step explanation and the templates for this LinkedIn outreach strategy here.
Increase Brand Awareness PDF Lead Magnet Strategy
For this strategy, you need an offer. In our case, we created a Top 3 LinkedIn Outreach Strategies PDF which we wanted to give back to our target audience and provide free value. So, the goal with this outreach strategy is to reach our client via several channels (LinkedIn, Facebook ads) and to provide value (free growth hacking PDF). Essentially, we’ll be connecting with our audience on LinkedIn, scraping their info, and then use Facebook ads to retarget them on an entirely different channel. Here’s how:
- Create a relevant, valuable PDF offer for your target audience.
- Run a detailed search for your target market on LinkedIn (ideally, using LinkedIn Sales Navigator).
- Import that search to Expandi and create a personalized, high-quality outreach sequence (or copy ours from the full guide).
- Create a retargeting Facebook ad campaign for brand awareness (with a custom banner, encouraging users to sign up for a demo).
- Connect Facebook custom audiences to your Expandi list via Zapier and Hunter.io. Essentially, we’re using Zapier to connect Expandi to your Facebook Custom audience. And Hunter.io to grab your leads’ contact information. Zapier is just the middleman here. Run those ads and enjoy your booked demos of warm leads.
The results:
- Highly personalized outreach to warm leads on different channels (LinkedIn, Facebook ads).
- Providing value first of all (free PDF) and then retargeting those warm leads with a custom audience Facebook ads, which makes them more likely to sign up for a demo.
See the detailed step-by-step explanation of how to set up this brand awareness outreach strategy and increase your reach over your leads here.
Ultimate Omni Channel With Hyper Personalization Strategy
Here’s another incredibly personalized omnichannel strategy that’s guaranteed to get results.
The key to an effective LinkedIn outreach is personalization. And this strategy takes it to another level by combining outreach with omnichannel marketing.
Essentially, omnichannel marketing means integrating various channels (in this case, LinkedIn and email) to establish multiple touchpoints with your leads, with the goal of creating a consistent brand experience.
From a lead generation perspective, it makes your prospects feel special and will help you stand out too.
Obviously, your leads are more likely to remember you contacting them on LinkedIn, as well as by email.
For example, you could send a cold email to a prospect, then follow up with a connection request saying you thought you’d connect on LinkedIn too, in case they’re more active there.
If you’re using personalization properly, your messages should feel so personal that they can’t be applied to anyone else.
And then, following up on a completely different channel makes your leads feel that you’re going out of your way to speak with them.
As a result, they’d be more likely to reply and set up a call with you.
This is why omnichannel marketing is often so successful.
But doing this manually takes a lot of time.
Which is why we’ll be using outreach flows and automation here to save time.
Here’s how:
First, we’ll create an enticing offer, connect to our prospects on LinkedIn, and then, follow-up via email. Like so:
- Create a relevant, value offer for your target audience (we’re going to reuse our Top 3 LinkedIn Outreach Strategies PDF from above). Create a post on LinkedIn telling people to comment if they want to receive your guide.
- Endorse the post via Lempod to increase your reach and post comments.
- Create a connector campaign on Expandi to connect with everyone who commented on your post (which should be more people thanks to Lempod).
- Create two email outreach campaigns on Lemlist (our favorite email outreach tool). One with the PDF of your offer attached, and a follow-up 1 day later if they’ve clicked on the PDF – asking for their thoughts, feedback, or comments.
- Create Webhooks via Zapier to connect everything together (Expandi to Zapier and Lemlist).
The results:
- 80.2% Acceptance rate on LinkedIn.
- 46% Clicked on the offer via email.
- A lot of friendly feedback and comments on the PDF.
Why it works:
- Relevant and valuable offer.
- Omnichannel outreach guaranteed to get the leads’ attention.
- Email follow-ups to remind them if they didn’t click on the attached PDF.
- Personalized, fun image attached to the email to stay memorable.
Steal Your Competitor’s Audience: LinkedIn + Twitter Strategy
Why bother defining your target audience and going through detailed LinkedIn filters when you can just steal your competitor’s audience instead? If you happen to have a better product or offer (bold claim) this LinkedIn outreach strategy works even better. It goes something like this:
- Build a comparison page where you compare your product/service to that of your competitor’s (make sure you’re doing a fair comparison). We used our Expandi vs Dux-Soup page here.
- Find your competitor’s Twitter page and use TexAu to extract their twitter followers to a CSV spreadsheet file. Then, use their find a LinkedIn profile API to turn your list into LinkedIn profiles.
- Connect Zapier and Expandi via Webhooks.
- Set up Facebook ads and connect them to Zapier to retarget your audience via ads.
- Reach out via Expandi and send a request with this template:
“Hey {first_name}, Saw you’re also a follower of (competitor’s name) on Twitter! I take it you’re active on (platform) and interested in (subject)? I was wondering if you’d like to exchange lead generation strategies if so. What do you think?”
The results:
- A whole lot of booked demos full of warm leads.
[vc_column_inner width=”1/3″] [vc_column_inner width=”1/3″] [vc_column_inner width=”1/3″] Why it works:
- Reaching out to an audience who already has a general idea of your niche and similar products.
- Your leads are open to being educated as to why your product is superior (if it is). Though, they might not know about your benefits or what makes your tool superior, they’ll be glad to listen if it will benefit them. Do this right, and you’ll be tapping into an audience who might become extremely loyal to your brand.
Other LinkedIn Lead Generation Tips
Having the proper outreach campaign is only one part of a successful lead generation strategy. Here are some other lead generation tips you should keep in mind when doing marketing on LinkedIn.
Start with your profile
LinkedIn lead generation starts with your profile, because that’s where most people go when they receive a message from a stranger. First impressions are everything. So, you should treat your LinkedIn profile as your personal landing page. It should inspire trust, professionalism, and have a clear, visible offer.
With your profile, you’ll want to convert your offerings into a certain outcome (solution of working with you). Take the above tagline – “Up to 10X more Social Selling leads | Guaranteed success with “The Top 3 LinkedIn Outreach Strategies” Guide ♟” This is a great way to inspire people to click on your profile as they know what they’re getting into.
And once there, your summary, work experience, and recommendations should clear up any objections your leads might have. Learn how to fully optimize your LinkedIn profile top to bottom and other essential steps to take before launching an automated campaign here.
Define your audience properly
We talked about how important it is to define your audience above. People are tired of being retargeted with the same outreach methods that sound spammy and try to sell with the first message. So, to avoid sounding sales-y straightaway, make sure you know your buyer persona properly. You should also know:
- What Facebook and LinkedIn groups they hang out in.
- What type of LinkedIn posts they engage with and which influencers they follow.
- What type of content they create, what are their pain points, and where your product or solution comes into play.
Choose your tools wisely
We covered quite a few LinkedIn lead generation and external tools here. But what you need to know is there are a TON of LinkedIn automation tools out there. Some safer than others. And if you’re thinking of doing LinkedIn lead generation the smart way – you should know what you’re doing. Safety should always be the number one concern. Expandi was built with that principle in mind. That is why it comes with advanced tweaks to make sure your LinkedIn profile stays safe while you’re automatically generating leads.
- Mimics human behavior.
- Action limits.
- Delay between actions.
- Cloud-based.
- Smart limits.
- Auto-warm up feature.
- Country-based, dedicated IP address.
- Smart inbox and chat.
- And more.
Expandi was also specifically designed for growth-hackers, agency owners, and people running multiple LinkedIn accounts. With an easy-to-use dashboard and getting campaign results at a glance – LinkedIn lead generation and automated campaigns become extremely convenient to manage and track.
And that’s a wrap! Hope you find this long list of LinkedIn lead generation strategies tutorial useful. If you’re not sure where to start, here’s what you should do:
- Follow me on Twitter and let me know you’ve read this guide.
- I’ll grant you free 7-day access and you can start from the top with the lead generation strategies mentioned here.
PS. If you’re looking for even more info on outreach marketing strategies and templates to copy, be sure to join our private Facebook group—The LinkedIn Outreach Family.
And if you need even more LinkedIn growth-hacking tips and tutorials, be sure to check out our blog. Recommended reading:
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