Top 6 LinkedIn Summary Examples For Sales Pros – Expandi

Top 6 LinkedIn Summary Examples For Sales Pros – Expandi

Last update: September 6, 2024

12 minute read time 12 minute read

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By Stefan Smulders

What’s the first thing you do?

You probably go over to their LinkedIn profile. Skim through their tagline, banner image, their current job role. And then, you scroll down to read their LinkedIn summary.

Only then do you decide if they’re actually relevant and worth connecting to.

Your leads think the exact same way.

Every time you’re sending a connection request, you should keep in mind what your LinkedIn profile summary is communicating to your target audience.

Does it inspire trust? Authority? Shows off your human side so that you stand out in your niche?

If you’re going to be doing LinkedIn outreach, a strong summary is essential.

And that’s what we’re going to be focusing on in this guide. We’ll cover:

  • The Importance of a LinkedIn Profile Summary
  • 10+ Tips on How to Write a Convincing LinkedIn Summary (and What to Include)
  • 6 Best LinkedIn Profile Summary Examples

Ps. We’re constantly sharing the latest proven email as well as LinkedIn outreach templates in our private Facebook groupjoin the LinkedIn Outreach Family now!

And now.. Let’s get into it!

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The Importance of a LinkedIn Profile Summary

So, why does any of this matter, anyway?

It’s just a small section of your otherwise huge LinkedIn profile, right?


It’s a small section, but an important one. 

This is where you get to talk about why people should trust you. Obtaining the trust of a stranger on LinkedIn you don’t know might mean the difference between a sale or someone declining your request.

If your LinkedIn tagline describes what you do, your summary describes WHO you are. 

Consider your context, past experience, work results, personal values, and overall background. This not only helps build your brand online but also makes you relatable and shows your results.

By showing what you’ve accomplished, you’re giving your leads more reasons to work with you.

Of course, other sections of your LinkedIn profile should work in synergy with your summary. 

Small sections like your:

  • Profile picture.
  • Background banner image.
  • Tagline.
  • Work experience.
  • Articles.
  • Skills, recommendations, and more are all important.

But as a rule of thumb, your LinkedIn summary is the most important section in your profile.

In this article, we’re going to be focusing on your summary more in-depth. 

So, if you’re wondering how to optimize LinkedIn summary examples for marketingmentioned above (as well as other steps to prepare), check out our article on 5 essential steps to prepare before launching a LinkedIn outreach campaign.

Now, let’s continue with the summary section.

How your summary helps with LinkedIn outreach

Think of your LinkedIn summary as your resume objective. 

In just a few sentences, you should paint the reader (your leads) a clear picture of who you are, what sets you apart, and what you’re looking for from the reader.

And just like your resume, it shouldn’t be too long so that people will click away.

How does this relate to LinkedIn outreach?

Essentially, you should always be looking at your LinkedIn profile from the eyes of your target audience.

What are their pain points and aspirations?

Include that in your profile, along with a call-to-action and you could be generating leads just from people clicking on your profile.

Your LinkedIn tagline should be grabbing your prospects’ attention and your summary should be encouraging them to connect and (ideally) work with you.

Think about this the next time someone views your profile.

Who viewed your profile on LinkedIn

Luckily, you can see just who clicked on your profile by accessing Who Viewed My Profile page from your LinkedIn profile dashboard.

So, in short, your LinkedIn profile is like your personal landing page, and your summary is your objective.

Now, let’s analyze how to write one.

Linkedin summary examples

10+ Tips on How to Write a Convincing LinkedIn Summary (and What to Include)

Now, let’s discuss the actual writing part.

When people understand what you do and what your company stands for, they usually want more details about HOW you do it, what results you’ve accomplished in the past (that you can also generate for them), and so on.

And your summary section is perfect for this.

Here’s a quick rundown for the section:

Start with a hook – When people scroll down, they first see the first 2-3 lines of your summary before LinkedIn prompts them to read more. 

Your first sentence should give them some clarity as to what you do. And your second sentence should give them a reason to continue reading. 

Here, it cuts off at “because everyone uses the same boring outreach templates…”

About - profile description

This was done intentionally as it’s very curiosity-driven.

People start to think – “Which outreach templates are boring? Am I using them? Is there something better I could be using to improve my outreach campaigns?

And then, they continue reading.

This is simple copywriting. The only goal of your first sentence is to make the reader want to read the second sentence.

And the goal of the second one? You guessed it!

To lead the reader to the third one.

Luckily, you can preview different summary text here to find the one where the cut-off point is perfect.

Then, once people continue reading, they should be able to very easily find your unique selling proposition.

This is what shows the difference between you and your competitors.

You can write one with the following formula:

{Title} at {Company} – Helping {USP}.


{Title} | {Company} | {USP}.

Something like this:

summary for Linkedin examples

World’s safest social selling platform” is an obvious USP and most people will be curious to see you back up that claim. So, they’ll continue reading.

Ideally, you should also include some work results here.

This is what most people care about. It should be super easy to find and be clear in terms of your results. Include numbers, data, or other quantifiable figures.

Something like this:

linkedin profile summary examples

Anyone working with LinkedIn marketing might see those numbers and start to get jealous.

They’ll want to gain similar results, and if you have any free content or articles that go into your process – they’ll probably be more than glad to read them.

What’s left for them to do?

That’s right, it’s time to end with a call-to-action.

CTA example LinkedIn

To recap, here’s what you should include in your LinkedIn summary:

  • A hook to capture your prospect’s attention.
  • Your USP that shows how you’re different and what makes you stand out.
  • Results – Any kind of percentage numbers, data, or other figures (hard data works best).
  • CTA – Finally, let your readers know where they can contact you and repeat once again how you can help them.

Now that you know what to include in your LinkedIn summary, here are some quick tips to keep in mind when writing.

1- Keep it under 2,000 characters

It’s an ‘About Me’ section, right? So, you should probably start talking about where you were born, what school you went to, your family…

And then everyone gets bored and clicks away.

When reading your summary section, people only care about:

  • What you do.
  • What makes you different and how you stand out, and the type of results you’ve achieved with similar companies.
  • If they can trust you and that you’re nice to work with.

People think if they write about their entire life experiences and background, they might seem more humane and earn their leads’ trust.

But the truth is, most people will get bored. Either that or they won’t be bothered to read the whole thing.

So, try to keep the whole thing just under 2,000 characters and include only what’s important.

2- Add SEO keywords

Yes, you can optimize your LinkedIn profile for SEO.

Don’t worry though, this is easier than it seems.

Essentially, the point of this is to make your profile more LinkedIn search-engine friendly.

So, when someone searches for keywords relevant to your niche, your profile should come up first.

linkedin summary examples for marketing

Depending on your niche, your profile may or may not come up in the top results (or even the first page), but as long as the keywords are there, it’ll still be easier to find.

You can include relevant SEO keywords in your:

  • Headline.
  • Summary.
  • Experience.
  • Skills.

This is probably one of the most important LinkedIn profile optimization tips here.

If you want people to be able to easily find your profile – make sure it’s SEO-optimized.

3- Use whitespace

In most cases, people will be skimming your profile.

To make things easy for them, steer clear of long, crammed paragraphs, and use whitespace.

Try to use 1-2 sentences (at most) per paragraph break for each main point.

And also use bullet points or numbered lists to break up your text and make sure they flow.

4- Use emojis

To add to the above, you can also use emojis for your numbered list, or just to show off your fun side.

Just make sure you don’t overdo the emojis.

They can be a fun way to stand out and capture attention. But if they’re too many it’ll just be an eyesore.

emojis on LinkedIn profile summary example

5- Write in the first person (“I am…”)

It’s your profile. So, you should be talking about yourself in the first person.

Makes sense, right?

This just sounds more natural than the alternative. And the person reading your summary will be looking at it from your perspective anyway.

linkedin summary

Though some people prefer to use the third person so that it doesn’t sound like they’re praising themselves as much, nowadays, the first-person narrative is more common and what people are more used to.

6- Focus on “You”

With that said, you should also focus on the reader (your target audience) in your profile summary.

It’s easy to get carried away when talking about yourself and what you’ve accomplished.

But remember, the main idea of your profile is to show your prospects how you can help them accomplish their goals.

Think about how you can help others and show similar results that you can help them accomplish. 

7- Show off your personality

This is another great way to stand out.

Many people get carried away with work info that sometimes they forget there’s another person on the other end of the screen.

This is a simple way to stand out.

But you can also include some personal values in your summary to show that you actually care.

Just don’t make it too long and don’t add anything that might sound controversial.

You can add things like:

  • Pro-environment.
  • Vegan.
  • Briefly about your family.
  • What motivates you.
  • And more.

This, in turn, will reflect your approach to work.

8- Write how you speak

Think about how you would speak with your client in a Zoom call and write it that way.

Read your summary out loud once you’re done so you can check your tone.

If you wouldn’t say it, don’t write it.

9- Show your ‘Why’

Is there a specific ‘Why’ that motivates you to continue pushing forward?

Make sure you include it in your profile summary.

Passion is the heart of some of the best LinkedIn summaries.

Opening up about what you love adds a whole new context to your career.

Think about what excites you or drives you, besides your paycheck.

This is an especially good angle if your work matters and affects other people directly.

10- Ask for what you want

Finally, think about what you want your audience to do after reading your summary.

An invitation to connect is a great way to end. But depending on your goal, you can also ask them to contact you directly or even hop on a call.

Be specific and you’ll be more likely to get what you want.

6 Best LinkedIn Profile Summary Examples

Now, let’s get practical.

The best way to learn what makes a great profile summary is to take a look at proven profiles from authority experts on LinkedIn.

So, let’s take a look at some of the best LinkedIn summary examples.

1- Sharon van Donkelaar – Chief Marketing Officer

summary for linkedin

Sharon is a chief marketing officer over at Expandi and she knows a thing or two about outreach.

As you can see, she wastes no time in introducing herself and what she does in just under 2 sentences (“all about networking. Helping customers generate more business by relationship building”).

The USP (“world’s safest social selling platform”) is clear as well.

There are a few emojis, plenty of white space, and the copy is incredibly easy to read.

Finally, it ends with results and a clear call-to-action.

Contextually, it makes sense as well. Seeing as how Sharon works at Expandi, everything is accurate and related to what she does.

The best thing about fully optimized profiles like this is that they attract leads inbound

People click on her profile based on the “Top 3 LinkedIn Outreach Strategies” tagline that sparks interest, read the summary, and then send a connection request based on the CTA.

Sometimes they book a call directly if the leads are the exact target audience.

And that’s how you win at summary for LinkedIn examples!

2- Ilya Azovtsev LinkedIn Expert (from 0 to 1mln views in 4 months)

Linkedin example summary

Ilya is LinkedIn Expert, T-shaped digital marketer and the head of growth at Lemlist.

Now, as you might have noticed, he is a real Community Builder and was also the driving force behind the great success of Lempod.

Lessons learned: He constantly Experiment with different summary structures and taglines to see what works.

3- Houston Golden – “The #1 LinkedIn Influencer Program”

Linkedin profile summary

If you’ve been on LinkedIn for a while, then you might have come across Houston’s profile.

He’s the founder of, his posts are constantly going viral (for a good reason), and his profile is fully optimized top to bottom (from his custom banner image all the way down to his recommendations).

But looking only at his LinkedIn bio examples, you can tell he’s put a lot of effort into them.

He managed to turn the whole format on its head (starting with a lead question and CTA), and THEN introduce himself.

Houston then focuses on ‘You’ (talking about how he’s helped hundreds of business owners and executives get traction on LinkedIn), uses only 1-2 sentence per paragraph, shows results, 

In his position, starting off with a CTA makes sense. 

As most people probably either heard of him, or know him from his content. So, he gets straight to the point and the whole thing has a clear, linear flow to it.

As a cherry on top, his LinkedIn bio is just under 200 words and he manages to say a lot with fewer words.

4- Ian Naylor – CEO & Founder | Serial Entrepreneur | Innovator

Linkedin profile description

Here’s a summary for LinkedIn profile that’s a bit different from above, but still manages to sound natural.

The first thing you might have noticed is that it’s very results-oriented and written in the third person.

In Ian’s case though, it still sounds natural.

Why’s that?

Because if he had written in the third person, there would be far too many “I am…”-s. In his case, his pitch still makes complete sense, and is clear.

Many people who write in the third person risk coming off as obnoxious. But this is not the case here as the language he uses (mixed with his results) flows extremely well.

Lessons learned: Don’t be afraid to try something new. You can also try writing in the third person if you have a lot of results under your belt, as long as it sounds natural.

PS – Ian is also an advisor at Hyperise and knows a thing or two about hyper-personalizing your sales funnels to 2x your conversions. Check out our upcoming Expandi and Hyperise integration webinar to learn how you can start sending next level campaign messages with hyper-personalized images.

5- Nick Kozmin – Helping SaaS and Online Service Companies Scale to $10M at record speeds. Case studies:

Linkedin summary

Nick Kozmin is the founder of – a sales accelerator that helps SaaS and online service businesses scale to $10M at record speed.

Just like his personality, Nick’s summary for LinkedIn  is all about being extremely efficient and straight to the point.

The structure is simple as well:

  • Introduction – 1 sentence pitch.
  • Results – Takes up most of the space in his summary.
  • CTA – At the end where readers might be more tempted to take action after reading the results.

As you can see, his business development LinkedIn summary is tailored for his target audience – startup and business owners looking to scale. So, Nick just lists his results in numbers (how much ARR and length) and moves onto the CTA.

While this profile summary is different from the others on the list, it clearly works for Nick Kozmin as it shows what his #1 priority is – getting results.

6- Dina Calakovic – I help you attract & convert clients through Power Writing. | Ranked No.37 LinkedIn Creator in the world & No.1 woman for Personal Branding. | Brand → Content → Copy

Profile summary on LinkedIn

Dina Calakovic is a co-founder of a copywriting marketing agency that’s specialized in social media content.

She knows how to leverage good storytelling. That’s why she started her LinkedIn bio by focusing on her ideal clients and their problems, and not talking about her agency and their services.

In her summary for LinkedIn, Dina is using the exact words that her ideal client uses when expressing their doubts and concerns: “What goes on my website? How do I stand out? What should I post? Where?”

Notice how she’s not using professional marketing terms, but words her ideal client can relate to because that’s exactly what’s going through their head.

Finally, Dina offers a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the service. And it’s well known that guarantees like this can skyrocket your conversion rate because people feel secure.

If you’d put a guarantee on your sales page, why not add it to your LinkedIn summary as well?


So, to recap, your LinkedIn summary is important because:

  • It’s one of the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile. If your profile is your personal landing page, look at your summary as your main pitch or objective.
  • It builds trust, establishes authority, and allows you to position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • You can use it in many different ways to get your leads to connect with you, message you for a PDF (have them come to you!), or to directly book a call if they think it’s relevant.

However, with all that said, your LinkedIn summary is only half the battle of generating leads.

The other half is having a reliable social selling tool to start your prospecting efforts.

And this is where Expandi comes in.

With the world’s safest tool, you can automate many actions such as scraping filtered LinkedIn searches and profiles, sending automated connection requests, follow-ups, and more.

If you’d like to get started using Expandi for your LinkedIn automation and social selling and outreach efforts, here’s what you can do:

  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Let me know you’ve read this article and you’d like to start 10xing your lead generation.
  3. I’ll send over a free 7-day trial, no strings attached.

From there, you can start running automated outreach campaigns and growth-hacks guaranteed to get you above +70% acceptance rate, +50% response rate on follow-ups, and a whole lot of new leads.

Also make sure, to join our private Facebook group – The LinkedIn Outreach Family, which covers all things email marketing, LinkedIn and omnichannel outreach, and more.

Originally published on February 23, 2022, updated on December 5, 2022

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