Top 6 outreach tips for getting more leads on Linkedin in 2024

Top 6 outreach tips for getting more leads on Linkedin in 2024

Last update: September 12, 2024

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By Stefan Smulders

Gone are the days of copy-paste messaging. Modern buyers expect personalization and interact with sellers genuinely interested in solving their concerns.

So look no further if you’re a seller planning a killer outreach strategy to land as many leads as possible. This guide provides six LinkedIn outreach tips for stress-free lead generation.

Outreach tip #1. Prospecting via warm and hyper-targeted outreach

LinkedIn is often an underutilized prospecting tool. But the truth is, from LinkedIn events to groups and content, LinkedIn is bubbling with opportunities for B2B sales folks to land high-intent prospects. 

And with automation tools like Expandi and its proven strategies, LinkedIn prospecting is a notch above basics.

Here are multiple LinkedIn outreach tips and use cases for warm outreach using Expandi:

  • Filter buyer intent in Sales Navigator and create Sales Nav searches in a few clicks

The LinkedIn Sales Navigator has a “Buyer Intent” lead filter to help you filter leads most likely to resonate with your outreach efforts and respond. 

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This filter fetches leads by analyzing their engagement on ads, likes, InMails, and company profile views, thus indicating moderate to high interest. 

Now that you have a lead list ready for outreach, you can use Expandi to set up an automated outreach campaign to kickstart prospecting

Expandi has a “Sales Navigator search” option where you can upload your filtered Sales Nav lead lists as a CSV file or directly enter the saved search URL:

LinkedIn outreach writing

Further, you can scrape the leads to prepare them for prospecting and run a Connector Campaign for warm outreach safely in just a few clicks.

  • Target people who’ve read your emails but haven’t responded by uploading the list as CSV

You’ve sent emails to specific prospects, but they haven’t responded to them? LinkedIn messaging could do the trick and catch their attention.

For this, create a CSV file with mandatory columns like the first name, last name, email, LinkedIn profile link, etc., and upload it to Expandi’s “Post engagement” search option:

influencer outreach tips

After clicking “Upload CSV,” you can download an example CSV file for reference. 

LinkedIn outreach tips

Once done, Expandi lets you scrape the list and prepare it for outreach.

  • Scrape LinkedIn event attendees

There’s a fat chance your prospects have registered to attend LinkedIn events happening in your industry and niche. You can find such events by running a simple keyword-specific filter as shown below:

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As you can see, there are thousands of attendees. Choose one event that is a close match to your niche and register yourself. 

Once done, you can use Expandi’s “Event search” to scrape event attendees and filter out profiles matching your ICP. 

All you must do is enter the LinkedIn event search URL to launch scraping. 

  • Engage with people who interacted with any chosen LinkedIn post

A huge indication of “warm leads” is when they’ve interacted with your LinkedIn posts. You can also target leads who’ve interacted with posts by influencers or competitors in your industry or market segment. 

For example, they’ve commented about a lead magnet or voted on a post discussing their pain points. 

LinkedIn outreach writing

Expandi’s “Post engagement” advanced search lets you paste a public LinkedIn post URL and scrape the list of people who’ve interacted with it:

influencer outreach tips
  • Scrape LinkedIn group members

A LinkedIn group can be a great asset to kick-start your prospecting journey. Often, you can find active potential customers who are a part of multiple niche-specific LinkedIn groups

A simple LinkedIn search reveals groups you can sift through to find the most active ones. Once done, use Expandi to scrape the specific LinkedIn group’s members and filter the list based on your target ICP. 

Ensure you’ve joined the group you plan to scrape and copy the LinkedIn URL to paste into Expandi’s “Group search.”

  • Scrape first-degree connections from competitors’ LinkedIn pages

Find key stakeholders at your competitor’s company and look through their LinkedIn profiles to extract first-degree connections, as they could be part of your target audience. 

A simple “People” filter and selecting “1st” will fetch a list of first-degree connections. Copy this LinkedIn search URL and paste it into Expandi’s “Basic search” to scrape the list and start prospecting:

LinkedIn outreach tips

Outreach tip #2. Messaging – leverage AI

Most salespeople may fear using AI because it may come off as spammy or impersonal. In reality, using AI the right way can help your messaging stand out while reducing the manual effort required to type each prospect message.

Simple Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can work wonders for personalized outreach messaging. 

Here are some of our best tips to make the most of ChatGPT for LinkedIn outreach:

  • Always provide context. Remember, AI cannot think like a human and only works as well as the input. So, add detailed context to what the outreach should look like.

Example: “Create a LinkedIn connection request under 300 characters targeting Marketing Managers. Include an emoji, keep the tone friendly, and add a unique CTA.”

  • Be super direct with your prompts by highlighting what to include. For example, write who you’re targeting and ask for a couple of messaging or email examples to see how different each answer is. 

Example: “The following belong to my target ICP: [names, designations, and interests]. Give me 2 different first-touch messages (within 400 characters) to send them after they’ve accepted my LinkedIn request.”

note linkedin outreach writing tips
  • Tell what must be excluded upfront so you don’t use answers that may not fit your use case. 

Example: “Create a LinkedIn follow-up message under 500 characters. Don’t be pushy, and don’t exclusively mention you’re following up. End it with a question-like CTA.”

Outreach tip #3. Messaging via video personalization

Expandi’s LinkedIn outreach campaigns with videos showed a 2x higher reply rate and increased positive replies than those without videos. 

That’s because videos can be more strategic and personal since a lot can be said in a short LinkedIn connection video instead of plain text. 

Here’s how videos work in LinkedIn messages:

  • You can send a link to the video under your text message
  • You can display the video as a GIF (has no audio)
  • You can link to an external full-length video that opens up in a new page

Quick tips for personalized LinkedIn video outreach:

  • Ensure the video is less than a minute. So, instead of lengthy introductions, stick to providing real value – “why should someone connect with you?”
  • Add a reference to your website 
  • Use name personalization by starting the video where you address prospects by their first names
  • End the video with a call to action, such as “drop a ‘yes’ if you’d like to stay connected.”

What setting a LinkedIn video outreach campaign looks like with Expandi:

Let’s say you want to reach out to leads who’ve engaged with your previous LinkedIn post.

Step 1: Expandi’s “Post engagement” advanced search lets you paste a public LinkedIn post URL and scrape the list of people who’ve interacted with it:

Pasting the LinkedIn post URL and ID fetches you the list of engagers like so:

LinkedIn outreach writing

Step 2: Create personalized videos using AI tools like Sendspark. You can create dynamic videos, such as screen recordings, product demos, introduction videos, etc., or upload them from your system.

influencer outreach tips

Once created or uploaded, you can use Senspark’s “Personalize” option to add users’ first names, CTAs, etc. 

Import the contacts from the previous step and let Sendspark generate a personalized video for each. Export into a CSV and ensure a column with the “video link.

Step 3: Create an Expandi Connector campaign to upload contacts with video links. Once you upload the CSV file, ensure you’re double-checking the fields:

LinkedIn outreach tips

You can then add a connection message and use the video dynamic placeholder to embed videos into every message. 

Refer to this detailed step-wise guide on creating a LinkedIn Connector Campaign.

Outreach tip #4. Overtake LinkedIn limits with Expandi’s Mobile Connector campaign

LinkedIn allows around 100 connection requests to be sent each week. However, using Expandi, you can safely exceed this limit. 

Expandi’s Mobile Connector campaign lets you send an additional 50 to 100 connection requests per week without compromising on account safety. 

Here’s how to set up your own Mobile Connector campaign in minutes:

Step 1: Sign up to Expandi’s 7-day free trial

Step 2: On your dashboard, select Campaigns and then Add new campaign. Click Continue without template

Step 3: Select Mobile Connector and click Create blank campaign button 

Step 4: You must now add the campaign steps. Mobile Connector will not let you add an initial connection message, but instead, you can add a follow-up message by adding the right variable and placeholders:

Save the follow-up message.

Step 5: Set campaign parameters under “Settings.” You can:

  • Limit the number of follow-up messages to be sent daily
  • Set the number of new people to reach out to daily
  • Schedule date and time
  • And more!

Click Save, and your mobile campaign can now be added with people to contact. Refer to the detailed guide here

Outreach tip #5. Warm up your LinkedIn account before outreach

LinkedIn security settings are getting stricter by the day. 

If you’re new to outreach or are suddenly blasting 100s of cold messages daily, there’s a high chance your account will fall into LinkedIn’s radar due to suspected automation resulting in account restriction

But don’t fret. You can still optimize your outreach campaigns for maximum safety.

We recommend you follow the below security settings within Expandi for 100% security:

  • Account warmup

A “warmup” on LinkedIn means performing a few actions to indicate that you’re not a robot but a human behind the account, especially if you’re outreaching at scale for the first time.

For example, sending 2-3 messages the first few days and eventually increasing them. 

Add the following settings to your Expandi account:

  • Account warmup: Turned on
  • Start and end limit: 10-25
  • Increase by: 1
  • Step length (days): 1

This signals Expandi to send 10 actions on day 1 and increase the number of actions by 1 gradually until the total number of actions becomes 20.

  • Active times settings

This setting is exactly what it sounds like. You set up the time frame for your Expandi campaigns to be active. It could be regular working hours like 9 am to 5 pm.

Depending on your target ICP and audience demographics, you can also set your active timings to late evenings and exclude weekends.   

For maximum safety, we also recommend NOT using LinkedIn within those time settings on your own.

Expandi will be taking actions directly from your account. Your being active might also come across as suspicious because of having two different active sessions.

Outreach tip #6. Build your personal brand on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is like your professional website but needs fine-tuning to stand out and grab prospects’ attention. 

Here’s a quick checklist to build an attractive personal brand on LinkedIn:

  • Know what you’d like to highlight

Is it your skills, case studies, real-time experiences, or a unique combination of these and more? Starting with a foundation will help you share valuable content.

  • Optimize your profile

A fully optimized LinkedIn profile gets more visitors and displays professionalism. Do these:

    • Choose a high-quality profile picture — headshots work best
    • Add a compelling headline by adding keywords about what you do and whom you help
    • Personalize your LinkedIn URL for better accessibility 
    • Write an engaging summary. For example, write about your experiences, recent achievements, etc.
  • Engage with your network

Look outside prospecting and learn to network with like-minded individuals. Comment on posts, join LinkedIn groups and attend events. 

  • Ask and display recommendations

Social proof is like the cherry on top of your LinkedIn personal brand. So, collect testimonials from your past clients, colleagues, and managers to showcase credibility. 

  • Continue refining

Keep track of your LinkedIn performance. For example, use LinkedIn analytics to see what type of content resonates with your target audience. Get feedback from your fellow salespeople and continue refining your content and engagement strategy. 

Wrapping up

LinkedIn outreach is easier said than done. But if you add the right tools and strategies to the mix, reaching the right leads at the right time can be effortless.

Expandi is your very own LinkedIn outreach specialist that automates prospecting and provides multiple ways to generate those high-impact leads.

Grab the 7-day free trial to test it out!

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