LinkedIn Demographics 2024: Is The Platform Right For Your Business?

LinkedIn Demographics 2024: Is The Platform Right For Your Business?

Last update: September 18, 2024

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By Stefan Smulders

If you’re in the B2B space performing outreach, networking, building brand awareness, or recruiting, LinkedIn is the place to be.

LinkedIn is home to a billion members across 200 countries, naturally making it a goldmine of opportunities for B2B professionals across domains. 

So, there’s a good chance your target audience is already active and thriving on LinkedIn, waiting to be tapped.

That said, to make the most of LinkedIn you must know how your target audience uses LinkedIn, how to target the right demographic, and how to get their attention using the right strategy. 

Here’s what we’ll be covering in this guide:

  • How to use marketing demographics for lead generation 
  • In-depth LinkedIn audience demographics 
  • What age demographic is most likely to use LinkedIn
  • And more!

P.S.: Once you find your LinkedIn demographic on the platform, you need to know how to reach them afterward. For that, be sure to join our private community – The LinkedIn Outreach Family, for proven strategies, templates, and exact sequences to use.

How to use marketing demographics for lead generation

Targeting the right demographics and precise lead generation go hand in hand. Knowing who exactly you want to sell to is the first step to helping position outreach and close more deals without any wasted efforts.

You may wonder how age, gender, location, or income levels do not really have a significant role in positioning outreach. However, these and other demographics are essential to crafting your ideal customer profile (ICP) in business.  

Why is demographic data important?

Demographic data is the specific information defining the characteristics of a target audience, such as age, gender, level of education, interests, years of experience, location, and more. 

Since not everyone is your customer, these data points provide an in-depth understanding of who your customers are and what they may be looking for. This way, you avoid pursuing the wrong audience and cap wasted efforts.

8 reasons to define your LinkedIn audience demographics

Defining an ICP and targeted LinkedIn demographics can be useful for:

  • Precise segmentation: Demographics help you break down target audiences into bite-sized segments for hyper-personalized messaging, thus improving the relevance of messages and strengthening connections.
  • Improved focus: Targeting high intent and high-value accounts rather than mediocre ones.
  • Data-driven decision-making: A few studies show how companies using demographic data in decision-making considerably increased their profitability by 80% and up.
  • Finding relevant leads: Defining ICP helps filter out irrelevant market segments, leaving room for better targeting opportunities.
  • Trend forecasting: Demographic data reveals the current state of your audiences and helps anticipate trends so you can adapt your team accordingly, such as changes in their interests and preferences. 
  • Personalization: Audiences prefer personalized content and messaging over generic content any day. Demographic information lets you add the much-needed human touch to your outreach activities.
  • Increased outreach performance: It goes without saying that a hyper-targeted, well-researched ICP and buyer persona are prone to improve your team’s overall outreach performance.
  • Choosing the right communication channel: Defining your ICP exposes your B2B audiences’ favorite channels, such as LinkedIn, emails, or cold calling.

Now, before we cover the actual LinkedIn demographics below, you should also know the difference between ideal customer profile vs buyer personas to get the most out of your outreach, so ensure you read the linked guide.

LinkedIn gender demographics

Some of the top LinkedIn gender demographics to get an idea of LinkedIn’s usage:

  • As of January 2024, 56.2% of LinkedIn users are male, while 43.6% are female, says Statista
what age demographic is most likely to use linkedin
  • A recent LinkedIn report shows around 88% of women and 90% of men are open to new job opportunities
  • According to Hootsuite, LinkedIn ads reach one-third of men between the ages of 25-34
  • About 3.3 million LinkedIn users identify as transgender or non-binary, although this is a rough estimate based on gender identities in North America

LinkedIn age demographics

User age is one of the biggest qualifying factors for outreach, recruitment, and networking. So here’s what numbers have to say about the users’ age brackets:

  • As of April 2024, 50.6% of LinkedIn users are Millennials between the ages of 25 and 34. Meanwhile, GenZ – users aged between 18 to 24 make up 24.5% of the LinkedIn user base
  • The latest 2024 Statista report shows that only 3.8% of LinkedIn users are older than 55 years
linkedin audience demographics
  • Pew Research found that Americans aged between 30 and 49 years use LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Facebook the most. Out of which, 40% use LinkedIn, thus leading by majority
  • LinkedIn reaches diverse audiences across cultural backgrounds and age groups, just like its popular entertainment social media counterparts like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram:
demographics of linkedin users

LinkedIn income demographics

Income is a major differentiating factor to segment groups based on their ability to afford your product or services. So the better you define your ICP’s income range, the better you can target the users more likely to buy.

Here are LinkedIn income demographic data you should be aware of:

  • According to Statista, 55% of LinkedIn users in the U.S. are from high-income households
  • Around 44% of LinkedIn users in the U.S. take home around $75,000 each year—which is higher than the national median
  • A Pew Research survey shows more than 53% of users with an average income of $100,000 and up use LinkedIn
what age demographic is most likely to use linkedin
  • According to LinkedIn, users on the platform have 2x the buying power of the average online audience, and 4 out of 5 LinkedIn users are key decision-makers
linkedin audience demographics

LinkedIn location demographics

Segmenting the audience based on their location demographics is vital for precise outreach and running high-ROI-fetching LinkedIn ads

Psst… Want to reach multiple users from a specific region on auto-pilot in minutes? Using LinkedIn automation tools like Expandi is a great place to start.  

Here are some location demographic numbers on LinkedIn:

  • As of April 2024, Statista released a list of countries with the highest advertising audience reach for LinkedIn, Cayman Islands leads with 111.6%. The U.S. ranks seven with an 85.8% reach
demographics of linkedin users
what age demographic is most likely to use linkedin
  • As per Statista, the U.S. ranked first in the highest number of desktop traffic to LinkedIn with 30.84%

These numbers make it pretty obvious that LinkedIn should be on your radar to find your target audience, regardless of their location. 

And to take this a step further, you can even use LinkedIn X-ray search filters, aka Boolean operators for an easier way to zoom in on your target audience. This way, you can hyper-target people from a certain city or region. 

linkedin audience demographics

LinkedIn career and hiring demographic insights

If you’re someone looking to recruit or hire on LinkedIn or want to find a career position suitable for you, take note of these latest LinkedIn career and hiring statistics.

As per LinkedIn:

  • 6 people are hired every minute on LinkedIn
  • 28M people add the “Open to work” LinkedIn feature to their profiles
  • 65M people use LinkedIn to hunt for jobs each week
  • There are over 67M+ companies listed on LinkedIn
  • 140 job applications are submitted every second on LinkedIn

LinkedIn released its latest version of the future of recruiting for 2024 that predicts:

  • AI will take center stage in recruiting. Six out of 10 recruiters are optimistic about AI in recruitment, and the number of recruiters who added AI skills to their profiles jumped 14% last year
  • Recruiting pros say sourcing high-quality candidates is their topmost priority for 2024, followed by employer branding and candidate experience 
demographics of linkedin users
  • Top soft skills recruiters on LinkedIn are looking for are:

    • Communication – 77%Relationship-building – 72%Adaptability – 63%Problem-solving – 62%Critical thinking – 61%

LinkedIn audience demographics – the top takeaways for a great head start

Feeling overwhelmed looking at these numbers? We got you.

Let’s summarize some important statistics and takeaways so you have a brilliant start to using LinkedIn for lead generation, outreach, networking, or recruitment:

  • LinkedIn has a strong user base of a billion users spread across 200 countries and regions 
  • The male population slightly outnumber females on LinkedIn. 56.2% of LinkedIn users are male, while 43.6% are female
  • A major chunk of LinkedIn users are Millennials – 50.6% aged between 25 and 34 years. Meanwhile, GenZ – users aged between 18 to 24 make up 24.5% of the LinkedIn user base
  • The U.S. ranks seventh with a LinkedIn advertising audience reach of 85.8% 
  • More than 53% of users with an average income of $100,000 and up use LinkedIn and are most likely to be key decision-makers
  • 140 job applications are submitted every second on LinkedIn, and approximately 6 people are hired each minute

What are your next steps?

If you’re in the B2B space, using LinkedIn as the go-to platform for your business or career seems like a no-brainer, considering these incredible numbers. 

Still confused? Start small by defining your ICP before diving head-on with LinkedIn demographics and filters. For example, a SaaS Marketing Manager in Boston works at a company of 20+ employees and makes $80,000+ annually.  

Read this quick mini-tutorial about building a prospect list on LinkedIn based on your ICP.  

And don’t forget to sign up for Expandi’s 7-day free trial to automate your LinkedIn outreach efforts!

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