5 Tips How To Get More LinkedIn Impressions

5 Tips How To Get More LinkedIn Impressions

Last update: September 18, 2024

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By Stefan Smulders

Why are my LinkedIn posts not getting impressions?!

If that sounds like you, this guide is for you as we’ll cover everything you need to know on how to increase LinkedIn post impressions.

First off, keep in mind, many marketers have a wrong notion that the number of LinkedIn followers equals marketing success. Which in reality is not the case.

In fact, maximizing LinkedIn impressions is the secret behind unlocking LinkedIn’s full potential.

Everything starts with getting more impressions.

Whether you’re looking to generate more leads, grow your network, or just boost your engagement.

So, if you’re reading this wondering how to increase LinkedIn post impressions, you’re on the right track.

Keep on reading to learn:

What Are LinkedIn Impressions And How Do They Work?

LinkedIn impressions indicate the number of times your content is viewed for at least 300 milliseconds on your follower’s or signed-in member’s LinkedIn feed. 

So a 1000 LinkedIn impressions means your content appeared 1000 times on someone’s feed whether they engaged with it or not. 

Although not a clear-cut indicator of marketing success, impressions are key content analytical metrics that let you improve content quality and follower engagement. 

A decline in LinkedIn impressions is a wake-up call to improve your LinkedIn engagement strategy and let the platform’s algorithm notice and boost your posts more often. 

So, if you’re wondering why are my LinkedIn impressions so low, here’s what you need to know.

5 Proven Ways To Increase Impressions On LinkedIn

As we saw, impressions on LinkedIn are stepping stones to generating more leads and increasing reach. So here are our five tried and tested ways to improve them:

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile for your target audience.
  2. Create engaging content that people can’t help but engage with.
  3. Join and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups to grow your reach and impressions.
  4. Optimize your LinkedIn posting time.
  5. Engage with your network so they engage back and increase your impressions.

1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is like your very own professional branding page. 

And if you’re wondering why are my LinkedIn posts not getting impressions, chances are, your LinkedIn profile could be better.

Now how can you optimize your LinkedIn profile?

These tips can help give you a head start:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile URL by keeping it short and specific. Use keywords like your profession and services offered
  • Use a high resolution headshot as your profile picture
  • Precisely describe what you do and who you help in your professional headline and summary.  Don’t forget to end the summary with a CTA, for example, a link to book a call with you. 
linkedin impressions
  • Include your current and past work along with your roles and responsibilities at each job 
  • Certifications help add brownie points to your expertise. Add them to LinkedIn’s “Certifications and Licenses” section. 

Need more optimization tips with real examples? No, you don’t need a course. Check out our free LinkedIn profile optimization eBook. 

2. Create engaging content

Content is the heart and soul of social media platforms, and LinkedIn is no different. 

You now know LinkedIn impressions give you a major hint on how your content performs. So below are some best content tips curated from our personal experiences on how to increase impressions on LinkedIn.:

  • Post regularly

Consistency is key in boosting impressions. Regular posting signals the LinkedIn algorithm and your audience that you’re active, ready to offer value, and engaged. 

But remember, while consistency is everything, don’t overwhelm your followers with too many posts in a week or a day. Stick to a maximum of 5 high-quality posts a week to stay consistent. You could do one post each weekday or 2x on Wednesday and three on other days – it’s up to you. 

  • Share multimedia content

Sticking just to text-based LinkedIn posts assuming it’s a professional platform? What if we tell you multimedia content is equally, if not, more effective than text-based content?

We have proof. Below are some of our best-performing LinkedIn multimedia posts that garnered high impressions:

A carousel post: Carousels are posts with multiple images and/or videos. You could make them extra engaging by using a mixture of text, images, and videos. 

what are impressions on linkedin

A follow-up post with a GIF: Although we discourage the use of page redirect links that may impact reach, we found that the use of a GIF on an engaging and audience-relevant topic garnered close to 150k impressions: 

impressions on linkedin

High-resolution informative images as posts: Images are great at capturing attention and offer a much-needed break from reading lengthy texts. For example, you could use infographics to decode a tough topic, share quotes from industry experts as images, and turn statistics or poll results into visual representations. 

Check out our example below that fetched high impressions. Notice the wordplay within the image and the opening line that could catch anyone’s attention right away: 

linkedin impressions vs views

Posts with screenshots: When in doubt, say it with screenshots. Screenshots as LinkedIn posts are great at capturing interest in some contexts, for example, while sharing a testimonial, an achievement, or explaining a tool’s use – like the one below:

what are post impressions on linkedin

Posts with video: There’s no match to videos’ effectiveness in conveying emotions to otherwise dull LinkedIn posts. They help you tell stories that are instant hits with your audience – thus leading the way for more impressions. 

In this example, we received higher than usual impressions for a video post educating followers on a useful Excel trick:

linkedin impressions

PDF-type posts: You can upload case studies, client success stories, eBooks, and research papers as PDFs. LinkedIn favors this content if it identifies that you’re offering incredible value to your followers. 

Also, “swiping” between PDF pages counts as new engagement for LinkedIn which is the best trick to getting more impressions.

Here are some more quick tips to create awesome LinkedIn content and get more impressions on LinkedIn.

  • Polls have shown to increase impressions. So run interesting and industry-specific polls each week to keep the momentum strong.
  • Never add external links to your posts as LinkedIn discourages posts that let the audience leave the platform. Instead, try adding them to your comments.
  • Come up with catchy opening lines, especially the first two lines of each post. This way, readers are pushed to click on “read more” and engage.
  • Use hashtags relevant to your topic, but don’t overdo them. 
  • Like and comment on your own posts to get the ball rolling and some initial traction. 

3. Join and participate in relevant groups

LinkedIn groups have stood the test of time. They are one of the best tactics to get content traction and generate leads. 


Start joining LinkedIn groups in your industry or niche. For example, if you’re into the marketing niche, filter out groups on LinkedIn using keywords like marketing, digital marketing, advertising, and so on:

what are impressions on linkedin

You could also look for groups based on your specific interests, such as LinkedIn posting tips, local events, or favorite tools. This way, you can meet many like-minded professionals that you can add to your network and post relevant content for. 

Another key tactic is to actively participate in your recently joined groups rather than being an onlooker. Contribute to group discussions, and live meetings, and share your insights to increase your visibility amongst professional communities. 

4. Optimize posting times

The fact is simple. If your audience is professionals with jobs, they are most likely to check their LinkedIn feed right before the start of their work day or an hour after it ends. 

However, there’s no hard and fast rule about the “golden time” to post on LinkedIn and capture high impressions. 

But here are two tips that help:

  • Analyze audience activity

Use LinkedIn Analytics, such as Content analytics to gauge engagement trends among followers and other key metrics, and Follower analytics to get a deeper look into your followers to reveal the best time and day they’re the most active. 

You could also analyze your best-performing posts in the past to replicate content and timing.

  • Post strategically

Once you have an idea of the best or most ideal times to post, schedule your posts to auto-publish during peak times to maximize engagement and visibility. 

Such strategic posting during peak activity hours multiplies the likelihood of your posts appearing on followers’ feeds, thus increasing LinkedIn impressions. 

5. Engage with your network

You’re leaving a lot of potential behind if you’re just posting content but not engaging with your network’s posts. Frequent engagement with others’ posts persuades them to return the favor of interacting with your content. 

Most importantly, it shows you’re keen on listening and learning from others in your niche. 

So always set out a couple of minutes each day to comment something thoughtful on your connections’ posts. 

Also, make it a point to connect with professionals within your industry or niche. This way, you receive only genuine engagement on your posts and reach relevant audiences who can resonate with your content. 

How To Increase LinkedIn Post Impressions: Final Thoughts

Now, if you were wondering why are my LinkedIn posts not getting impressions?

Hopefully, this guide helped.

Here’s a wrap-up on how to get more LinkedIn impressions:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile to set the stage
  • Create out-of-the-box content. Move over just text-based posts and include GIFs, images, videos, screenshots, carousels, PDFs, and polls
  • Join and engage in niche-specific LinkedIn groups
  • Analyze and optimize posting times to maximize visibility
  • Actively engage with your network’s posts and send LinkedIn connection requests strategically 

Remember, as you’re posting more consistently, over time, your LinkedIn impressions will naturally increase.

The main thing is to be creating quality content consistently. So, keep that in mind.

If you want to try your hands at LinkedIn automation for outreach and engagement, check out Expandi!

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