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What Does A 3rd-Degree Connection Mean On LinkedIn?

If you’ve spent some time on LinkedIn, you’ve probably wondered the following question at some point: What’s the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections? If you’re serious about growing your network, this is important. So, here’s what you’ll learn below: Need more help with all things LinkedIn? Be sure to join The LinkedIn Outreach […]

9 Tips On How To Get Cold Messages Delivered To LinkedIn Focused Inbox

Recently, LinkedIn unrolled a new feature called “Focused inbox”. The aim of the feature is to help users prioritize and organize their LinkedIn messages based on importance, relevance, and priority. LinkedIn here automatically sorts messages into two categories Focused and Other. And if you’re sending cold messages, of course, you’ll want them to land in […]

How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn Groups With Expandi

Today, we’ll be covering everything you need to know about LinkedIn groups. From how to find relevant groups, how to filter for your target audience, how to scrape groups to reach out to your leads on autopilot, and more. LinkedIn groups can not only be a great way to learn more about your ideal customer […]

Top 6 LinkedIn Summary Examples For Sales Pros – Expandi

What’s the first thing you do? You probably go over to their LinkedIn profile. Skim through their tagline, banner image, their current job role. And then, you scroll down to read their LinkedIn summary. Only then do you decide if they’re actually relevant and worth connecting to. Your leads think the exact same way. Every […]

Control Your LinkedIn Limits For Expandi Campaigns To Reach Your Goals Faster

I’ve got some bad news and good news. LinkedIn limitations are a problem for serious sales teams and lead generation experts.  But you probably already knew that. If you’ve been active on LinkedIn lately, chances are, you feel extremely limited. Whether it’s the latest algorithm update, limits that filter your connection request, or LinkedIn reducing […]

❤️How To Increase Engagement On LinkedIn For B2B Company

The higher your engagement, the higher the number of leads, and essentially, the higher your sales. For B2B companies on LinkedIn, all this starts with increasing your engagement rate. Easier said than done, you might be thinking. But I’ve seen many B2B companies fail when it comes to content. That’s because they create 10 LinkedIn […]

Lead Gen Forms LinkedIn: How To Create, Connect, And Automate

For many marketers, generating leads with LinkedIn advertising is hard. On mobile, it’s even harder. That’s because many users simply don’t want to fill out a website form to access gated content to receive an invitation to a webinar. This makes sense when you think about it. Consider the following: Many users will drop off […]

LinkedIn SEO: 10 Hacks to Boost Profile Views

LinkedIn is one of the most effective social networks for B2B businesses. With more than 800 million users worldwide, it is also considered to be the largest professional community. But how to stand out from the crowd and rank higher on LinkedIn with such a competition? The solution is the SEO optimization of your LinkedIn […]

How To Use LinkedIn Polls For Lead Generation

Have you noticed how polls are starting to take over LinkedIn? It seems LinkedIn polls are everywhere these days. There’s a very good reason for this. LinkedIn polls usually reach 3x-5x more people than posts without a poll. Why’s that? It’s simple. Answering a poll takes less effort than leaving a comment. So, for almost […]