đŸ”„How To Write Sample Email To Approach New Client (+ Templates)

15 mins

Wondering how to reach out to potential clients via email?

Did you know that the average office worker receives around 121 emails per day?

That’s a lot of emails.

Now, imagine you’re trying to reach a business owner or a C-level executive.

Chances, they’re receiving even more cold emails, pitches, and LinkedIn sales outreach daily.

Maybe even more since a lot of sales outreach and client acquisition is automated now.

Just as you’re trying to reach a wide audience to generate buzz about your brand, millions of other companies and sales development representatives are doing the same things.

So, how do you write sales emails to approach new clients to present yourself in the best way possible AND stand out in their inbox?

Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about writing sample emails to prospective clients, top to bottom, from finding their contact details to sending that initial conversation email.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What is a sample welcome email and why is it important?
  • How to write a strong sample email to a prospective client for new business and what to include in it
  • 5 sample email templates to reach out to potential clients via email
  • 5 best practices to keep in mind when writing an email to potential customers or doing outreach

But before we begin

In addition to writing quality emails, one other way to stand out when approaching new clients is to also connect with them on LinkedIn.

If you’re looking for the best email and LinkedIn sales hacks, be sure to join our private Facebook group, The LinkedIn Outreach Family. In it, you’ll find even more practical tips, strategies, templates, and more!

Now, let’s get this guide to writing emails started!

What Is A Sample Welcome Email To A New Client?

First things first, what is a welcome email, exactly?

A welcome email, or a business introduction email, is the first email you send to a potential new client with the main objective to sell your product, service, or something else.

The objective might vary, but generally, the goal of a business introduction email is to initiate a mutually beneficial business connection, by fostering trust and a positive rapport between you and your potential client.

Keep in mind, if it’s the first email you send to a potential client, they probably don’t know you very well. So, it’s important to reference any prior contact (if you’ve had any), and introduce yourself the right way.

Additionally, try to focus on the client.

Chances are, you’re reaching out for new business, but focus on what’s in it for them. After all, they get up to 100s of emails a day and most people focus on themselves.

So, how DO you write an email to a potential customer the right way?

Let’s take a look!

How Do You Write A Strong Email To A Prospective Client?

Email outreach is a strong sales skill.

But where do you begin when it comes to writing cold emails?

Let’s start from the top.

Assuming you’ve already warmed up your email inbox and want to start writing emails

You’ll find that sales emails prospective clients received can be broken down into several essential elements.

So, when writing sample email to client for new business, you’ll always want to keep the following in mind:

  • Subject line – When writing emails, you’ll want to craft a subject line that takes advantage of the recipient’s curiosity or targets a specific pain point. However, just make sure it’s not too sensational or clickbait. The goal is to get them to open the email. But if you’re lying to them and the subject line has nothing to do with the email text (e.g., “This is urgent – not a sales pitch”), they will just click away. Lying to a potential new client is not the best way to start a relationship. See our complete guide on email subject line generators for more info and examples.
  • A strong hook – How you start an email is the main factor in capturing attention. Even if you have the best product or most relevant service globally, no one will work with you unless you can get their attention. You can use comedy or humor, personalization, a direct question, and more to stand out and capture attention in your emails.
  • Introduction – Then, it’s time to get to the point and introduce yourself. Here, you’ll want to address the prospect’s most burning question. Which is “What’s in it for me?”. It might be easy to go overboard and start talking about yourself here. But in reality, you’ll want to keep this under 2 lines at most.
  • Relevant pitch or sales proposal – This will largely depend on your ideal customer persona. Different people have different needs. So, you need to consider the prospect’s industry, company role, etc. Before sending that cold email, make sure you’re targeting the right person. From the intern to the business owner, see our full guide on how to find someone’s email address for that.
  • Call to action – Many sales development reps simply end their email halfway through, without a CTA. If the prospect is scratching their head trying to figure out what you want from them, chances are, they’re not going to reply. The next time you’re sending an email, use action-oriented text, keep it short and straightforward, create urgency, focus on the benefit, and follow a natural progression. See our guide on email marketing call to action for some practical examples.

Sounds overwhelming?

Don’t worry. You can just fill in the 5 proven email templates below.

Now, let’s put all this together to craft a sample email to client for new business hypothetical. 

We’ll take a look at a good sample email example, deconstruct what makes it good, and then cover some templates below.

Sample email for new business example breakdown

Subject line: Quick question, Stefan

“Hey, Stefan,

Saw your webinar with Ian Naylor on using hyper-personalized GIFs in your LinkedIn messaging outreach. Great job on achieving a 55 reply rate!

Speaking of outreach, me and my team have been working on developing a brand new sales tool that writes unique, AI-generated first lines for your outreach emails.

What makes it different is that the tool automatically goes through the prospect’s Twitter, website blog, and other social media to find something relatable (not just their LinkedIn).

More than glad to send over 50 free credits if you want to try it out yourself.

Or can we get on a quick 5-minute call this Thursday or Friday if you’re game?

Right now, we’re focusing on getting the word out on the project. So, I would love your feedback.

What do you think?

PS – yes, this first line was written by our own tool. We eat our own dog food. :)”

What does this sample email do well?

  • It’s highly personalized. Down to mentioning someone, I did a podcast with and the exact data we achieved.
  • Effective and relevant transition to sales outreach. Since I’ve done a webinar on LinkedIn outreach, it’s safe to assume my interest in growth-hacking and marketing.
  • Clear call to action with 2 options. When you’re inviting someone on a call, explain what the call includes and how long it’s going to be.
  • Open-ended final line with room to ask more questions if needed.

So, while you can use some strong email sales templates, it’s essential to stay flexible and know how to repurpose sample emails for your own company.

That’s because each client, business, and industry is different. As a result, each sample email to client for new business will be different.

Meaning you can’t just replace placeholder and personalization tags from a template and call it a day.

You know your target audience best.

So, make sure you adjust your sales pitch, introduction, and pain points accordingly.

Now, if you’re still wondering how to write an email to a potential customer sample, let’s take a look at some proven templates below.

5 Sample Email Templates To Approach New Clients

The following email templates are ideal as a sample email to client for new business.

With a customer-focused, value-packed outreach email, you can stand out in a cluttered inbox.

And the sample emails below can help you build a meaningful connection and not get your email deleted instantly.

Let’s take a look.

  1. The personalization cold email

This is similar to the email example we covered above.

Essentially, it’s based on the following formula:

  1. Personalization first line.
  2. Relevant value proposal.
  3. Short case study, customer testimonials, or social proof showcasing your results.
  4. A strong call to action.

You’ll notice below how common personalization is when it comes to all kinds of outreach.

Subject line: Quick question

“Hey {first_name},

Reaching out because I saw {personalization}.

My name is {your name} and I do {relevant value proposal}.

I’ve helped SaaS companies like yours achieve {results} through our proven framework. Other results include {a 1-2 sentence case study}.

Anyway, I’ve got a few ideas on how I can help {company name} achieve similar results. And I’d be more than glad to discuss it over a quick, 10-minute call.

How does Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday work for you?
I’ll be going over a few interesting opportunities you could utilize at {company name}. No pressure and you can always say ‘no.’ 🙂

What do you think?

{your name}”

If you’re going to include a short case study in your email, make sure it’s incredibly relevant to your target audience and has results they’d want to replicate too.

For example, going over how you 10xed an eCommerce company’s sales might not be relevant or applicable for a software company.

Meanwhile, your leads will be more likely to hear you out if you reduce churn by 61% by defining “why customers quit” and improving user onboarding for a big SaaS company.

Now, let’s take a look at more sample emails.

2. Omnichannel dynamic GIF outreach email

This email is best done with an omnichannel outreach strategy. Meaning you’ll be engaging your new clients on LinkedIn and by email.

You could send this as an email follow-up after a prospect connects with you on LinkedIn.

Subject line: Thanks for connecting {first_name}

“Hey {first_name}!

I just wanted to drop a quick email saying thanks for connecting on LinkedIn!

Using dynamic GIFs like the one below, we’ve managed to help our clients skyrocket their reply rate to as high as 55%+.

If I can help in any way, I’m always open to a chat and a coffee. :)”

Fortunately, this is all automated. So, you don’t have to manually check LinkedIn and craft new emails from scratch every time. Nor would you have to edit the GIF manually.

Here’s a quick overview of how this works:

  1. You upload a custom GIF to Hyperise.
  2. You edit and set the right size (usually 600×600 pixels) from the interface and add any dynamic GIFs as needed. You can include first name, company name, company logo or website screenshot, etc.
  3. You integrate it into Expandi by pasting the API code. And then click Sync from Hyperise in the right campaign below your body message from the Expandi campaign interface.

The campaign flow for this is:

  1. Connect on LinkedIn.
  2. If the request is accepted, check if the LinkedIn profile has an email that can be found automatically.
  3. If the email is found, automatically send an email after a set period.

More info on approaching new clients with an omnichannel system is below. Keep on reading!

Now, let’s get back on track.

3. Congratulations on the achievement cold email

Everyone likes being congratulated for their hard work and achievements.

This email takes it a step further and targets companies that recently announced that they got funded or hit a particular milestone.

One way to find companies like that is to sort through VC deal websites or subscribe to business journals like TechCrunch, Bloomberg, VCNewsDailyb, etc.

But another option is to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator and filter for leads who changed jobs or with the “posted content on” filter for ‘funded.’

Then, you send an email like this.

Subject line: Congrats on your $$$ fundraise, {first_name}, 🎉

“Hey {first_name}!

Just saw you’re fundraising announcement, congrats on the {number} milestone!

I was curious to know what sales solutions you’re focusing on to proceed at scale?

The reason I’m asking is because I helped {similar company 1} and {similar company 2} triple their monthly sales goals with omnichannel outreach tactics.

And I’ve got a few ideas about how I could help {company name} take their sales to the next level.

Would you be open to discussing this on a quick 15-minute call next Tuesday evening?

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions beforehand.

{your name}”

4. Post webinar sales message email

If you’re a SaaS owner frequently running webinars, this email can be a great way to approach potential new clients after the webinar.

You can do this omnichannel as well, targeting prospects on LinkedIn and email.

The process is pretty simple as you can scrape LinkedIn events and follow up after.
And based on your objectives, you can change the call to action if you want to book a demo call to demonstrate your product one-on-one or nudge them to join your community.

But for simplicity’s sake, with this sample email, we’re focusing on email marketing specifically.

So, the template goes something like this:

Subject line: Next steps

“Heeyo {first_name}!

When I saw that {first_name} from {company_name} attended our webinar, you know I had to pop open the champagne!

Anyway, just checking back because you attended our live webinar on preparing, marketing, and launching LinkedIn events.

Hope you enjoyed it!

As a cherry on top, I wanted to invite you to our private Facebook group personally.

You’ll find like-minded marketers and sales entrepreneurs in it, discussing the latest outreach hacks and best practices.

Drop by and say ‘hi.’ If you liked the webinar, I’m sure you’ll enjoy our little community. 🙂
{your name}”

5. Custom video audit email

This email aims to send over a personalized, custom video audit of you going over a few ideas the lead can improve their business.

There are 2 ways you can structure this email:

  1. You can ask in the cold email if they’d like to receive a personalized email.
  2. Or, you can send the audit directly.

The issue with the first option, though, is that they might ignore it because it’s not very personalized, to begin with.

So, the better option might be to send a video audit directly. This way, they’ll see that you actually put in the effort and that it’s not a “one-size-fits-all” audit that could be applied to other companies.

Subject line: Ideas for {company_name}

“Hey {first_name},

Noticed I was being retargeted by your LinkedIn ads. Have to say, the copywriting
Liked how the copywriting in it was on point! Targeting the pain points of agency owners in an ad like that must be bringing in quite a lot of leads.

I’ve been working with B2B ads for a few years now, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, you can always boost the conversion rate through proper A/B testing.

I’ve got a few other angles we’ve had clients achieve {results} that might work for {your company} as well.

So, I recorded a quick 2-minute video going over some ideas you can use to boost your ROI.

Take a look: [URL].

PS – If you’re looking to optimize your marketing funnel even better, I’d be more than glad to get on a 5-minute call going over a few ways you could do this.

What do you think about next Wednesday or Thursday?”

Now, it’s worth mentioning that each brand’s audience is different.

So, while the above templates might help, one other way to make your outreach even better is by adapting the right mindset when doing outreach.

For that, let’s take a look at some of the best cold email best practices.

5 Best Practices To Keep In Mind When Approaching New Clients And How To Write A Follow Up Email

While you can adjust and re-use the above email templates to approach new clients, there are some hacks and tips you can follow to generate more leads.

So, before you blast out your next mail campaign, ask yourself if you’re following these email marketing best practices:

  1. Building rapport before outreach
  2. A/B test your subject lines to improve your campaigns
  3. Sending follow up emails
  4. Improving your campaign deliverability
  5. Don’t stick to just one channel

Let’s take a look at each in detail.

  1. Building rapport before outreach
    While this step may seem time-consuming, it can pay off greatly.

The idea is to engage your leads to build rapport before jumping into your sales pitch.

You’re essentially starting from ground zero if you approach new clients with no prior engagement and send a cold email without building rapport like everyone else.

That way, you risk getting your email ignored because they don’t know you.

When you take the time to build rapport, this changes things.

When you build rapport before sending a cold email, your leads might recognize you as someone who engages with them a few times on Twitter.

Or maybe you asked thought-provoking questions under their LinkedIn posts.

Or you sent them a personalized email about a question you had about their content, with no strings attached.

Either way, chances are, they might find your name familiar without recalling who exactly you are.

And sometimes, that’s all it takes to get your foot in the door.

Wondering how and where to build rapport with your sales prospects?

You can try:

  • Social media.
  • Online content.
  • In-person events.
  • Asking for advice.
  • And more.

  2. A/B test your subject lines to improve your campaigns

A/B testing, or split testing, is one of the best ways to improve your email campaigns continuously.

Essentially, this is a way of comparing two versions of a single email or email campaign.

Typically, you can do this to test the subject’s response to email A compared to email B.

Fortunately, this is easy as most email tools allow you to test different variables in an email campaign, such as the open rate, reply rate, bounce rate, clickthrough rate, and more.

When doing email A/B tests, make sure you change and test one variable at a time.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to tell what caused the change in the campaign.

Here are a couple of variables you can A/B test in your sample emails when approaching new clients:

  • Subject line (e.g., longer vs shorter).
  • Emojis in the subject line (with or without).
  • Your opening line.
  • The tone of your email (format vs informal).
  • The angle of your sales pitch.
  • And more.

For more info on A/B testing and other email variables, see our complete guide to email marketing KPIs for more info and real examples.

3 . Sending follow up emails

If there’s one dead-simple way of increasing your reply rate, it’s by adding follow-up email messages in your outreach campaign.

Around 44% of salespeople give up after just one follow-up attempt. So, simply by adding follow-up emails, you’re substantially increasing your reply rate.

In fact, according to Woodpecker, an email campaign of writing more follow-ups can triple your cold email reply rate.

In today’s world, follow-ups are a must.

However, that doesn’t mean you should flood your prospects’ inboxes with as many emails as possible until they break and reply to you.

An outreach campaign’s optimal number of emails is 4-7 sequences. But as with all things, it’s recommended you A/B test this based on your target audience.

4. Improving your campaign deliverability

Email deliverability refers to your emails landing in your prospect’s inbox and not in the Spam or Promotions sections.

This is important because if you send 100 emails, for example, and only 40 of them land, your campaign probably has some serious issues.

Here’s what affects email deliverability:

  • Tech setup.
  • Domain warmth.
  • Inbox warmup.
  • Bounce rate.
  • Volume, consistency, and email quality.
  • Email copy.
  • Email HTML text.
  • Spam test and keywords.

Fortunately, email warmup is very straightforward for the most part.

You have to follow a tech deliverability checklist and use an email marketing tool to warm up your inbox. The latter is done automatically and can take a few weeks to fully prep your inbox.

For a detailed guide on how to do all of the above, see our full guide to email warmup.

Note: The same applies to LinkedIn outreach as well.


And it’s highly recommended you warm up your LinkedIn profile by connecting with only a few people at first to prepare for outreach at scale.

5. Don’t stick to just one channel

Last but not least, if you want to turn sales leads into new clients, make sure you’re not sticking to just one channel.

This is something we’ve mentioned above as well.

Essentially, this is based on combining the best modern outreach practices and the fact that your prospects are already receiving a ton of emails per day.

So, even with many follow-ups, it’s very likely for them to miss your emails in their flooded inbox.

However, if you send a LinkedIn connection request, an email follow-up, followed by a LinkedIn InMail or a Twitter DM, they’re more likely to notice you.

Especially if you combine this with other best practices above such as building rapport first.

Practically, you can do this with an omnichannel or multichannel outreach. See the difference here.

And for a more hands-on approach, you can build outreach “if-this-then-that” flows based on triggers and actions.

Finally, if this looks too overwhelming, don’t worry. You can simply use proven outreach flows and templates from our marketing funnel automation guide to save time.


Now, to sum up, hopefully you know a thing or two on how to reach out to potential clients via email.

Though you can use the above templates as sample email to client for new business opportunities, it’s always best to know who you’re writing to, what’s the objective for your sample email (new business? gain more info? something else?). 

So, start there, and then also follow the email best practices when approaching new clients.

To recap:

  • How do you write an email to a new client?

When doing outreach, it’s important to structure your emails the right way to approach new clients. Starting from the top, this is you can structure your emails:

  1. Write an enticing subject line.
  2. Include a relevant introduction with personalization.
  3. Mention why you’re writing.
  4. Explain your sales or value proposition pitch.
  5. End on a high note and include a CTA which clearly explains what you want them to do next.
  • How do you write an introductory email to a prospective client?

An introductory email aims to build a relationship and get your foot in the door. So, instead of selling yourself, you should craft an email with no strings attached. Consider asking a question about their content, asking them to elaborate on their social media message, or getting their thoughts on something that might be relevant to them. Doing so will help them remember you and build rapport for the future.

  • How do I introduce my company in an email to a client?

While there are many different ways you can introduce your company to a client, it’s important to ask yourself, “what’s in it for me?” from the client’s perspective. Meaning, that instead of pitching yourself, you should focus on the client’s problems, benefits, and practical ways you can help them. Consider relevant case studies of how you’ve helped similar companies, relevant content, video audits, etc.

Now, hope this guide to writing sample emails for new clients was useful.

If you’re looking for more practical strategies and templates to write sample emails, be sure to join our private Facebook group, the LinkedIn Outreach Family. You’ll find the latest marketing strategies and other additional resources in it.

Or, if you’re ready to launch your email (or LinkedIn) campaign, you can get started with a free, 7-day Expandi trial. This way, you can automate email messages, follow-ups, LinkedIn connection requests, and more. All based on your unique outreach templates with personalization tags.


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